The low cloud of the day before hadn't lifted in fact it was worse and I could feel the weight of the water droplets on my eye lashes within minutes of leaving the farm where we had stayed.
The roads were wet and we descended steeply down into Boscastle wondering when our wheels would slip as we cornered down 25% slopes in the wet. I wasnt about to take my hands off the brakes.

Somehow we made it down safely and Boscastle was a fabulous little village.

The only sign of the floods that half washed it away in 2004 was a sign on the wall way above my head showing the level of the water at it's peak (you can see the green sign in the photo above).
Of course a descent like that could only mean one thing a steep climb back up and along the coast road. That's when the hills started and they didn't really stop all day. The cloud remained for the whole ride along the coast with only the houses hinting at what might have been, Lundy View, Seaview, High Cliffs etc. etc.

At Widemouth Bay we stopped for tea having walked up several 30% slopes to get there.

While we refuelled with scones and jam ( I turned down the clotted cream this time). By the time we finished our tea the sun had burnt through clouds and we turned inland south of Bude to head to Great Torrington.
The weather may have improved but the gradient of the slopes didn't. However the sign for Devon appeared and we felt relieved to see evidence of our progress through the west country.

At least someone could see the funny side.
Frequent stops helped us with the fatigue and soon any distraction and reason to stop was a welcome one and that included this bunch of cows who came to say hello.

On the last road of the day a passing local cheerily mentioned the 'monster climbs' ahead that we could look forward to and were 1:4. Thanks!
Finally we made it to Jasmine B & B and walked the 100 yards to the local pub. We survived another day.
It was a pretty ride and we finished weary but fine and but I had to say I am looking forward to a little flat ground soon.

Tomorrow we head on over Exmoor to Cheddar.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:South Molton,United Kingdom
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