Clock to Rock - Big Ben, London to the rock of Gibraltar 2nd -19th September 2011

Paul Beven & Jane Kennet are cycling to Gibraltar for the British Heart Foundation. Our target is to raise £12,000. We are hoping to keep you up to date with our training and fund raising progress so far via this blog. Signals and stamina permitting with any luck we can post along the actual journey too. Sponsor us now by clicking this link to our JustGiving page or email me if you prefer. LATEST NEWS - Despite the BHF postponing their official trip until sometime in 2012 we are pressing ahead with an independent trip of our own although the BHF are providing some assistance to us to help us on our way.


Thursday 25 August 2011


Well we are down to a few hours no until the start and this week has been a week full of frenetic activity trying to sort all the last minute things and also put all the work stuff to bed for a couple of weeks. I think we have all been feeling somewhat weary before we even start. A combination of much to do and too much excitement and nerves to sleep well. I was up at 05.00hrs this morning cleaning my bike and finishing packing. We all brought out kit to work today and have loaded up the support vehicles with enough stuff to keep a polar expedition going until the next ice age.

The cars are looking very professional too now with their fresh livery and stickers along the side of the cars. I will get some decent photos of the start tomorrow to post on the blog so that you can see how good it all looks. "All the gear, no idea..." yep thats us.. ;-)

We are set for a 07.00hrs start in the morning from Big Ben and we have a good crowd of people coming to see us off and ride with us as far as Healix. Then we slim down slightly and head to Chiddingfold for lunch before a last rendezvous with Charlie Butcher, Healix's FD at 70 miles then on to Portsmouth. We have a grand send off with some of our more hardy friends joining us for the ride so we shall take every opportunity to sit on their wheels and enjoy the energy saving.

I am actually excited I think, I have terrible butterflies in my stomach which are either excitement or nerves but hopefully the former.

Anyway off to bed for some much needed sleep.

We will be aiming to post en route each day and have a fantastic present from Phil and Jess in the shape of a small video camera so we will be trying to post some footage of the ride too.

Bon Voyage all see you at Big Ben Bright and early.


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