OK so there have been no blog posts of late. Sorry, I had been hoping to catch up with myself but have failed miserably.
Suffice to say it's because we have been busy. Still cycling, eating and sleeping everyday for more than a week (well except the recent rest day in Biarritz).
I have been taking photos along the way and of course there are all sorts of stories to tell which I will eventually update but for now I am simply going to tell you of today.
It's after 11 and I have to be up for breakfast at 06.00hrs. So it will be quick.
This morning we left a beautiful 'Parador' hotel in Sos del Rey del Catolico. Sadly we had to leave before Dawn and also we waved goodbye to our second support car containing Kate and Lucy. We left before Dawn and headed straight up our first climb of the day. About 3-4 km up to a summit in the dark.
As we reached the top the sun was up for the descent down the other side and thankfully the day was mostly overcast so we were spared the full brunt of the Spanish heat. We seem to have the perfect ability to climb the biggest hills at midday.
Our new support team quickly got into the swing of things though and were passing out cold water bottles as we climbed. Earlier in the day we had got a waterbottle refill from a fireman when we couldn't find a shop open.
3 more punctures took our total to 10 so far.
The landscape in Spain has changed to a more semi arid one and we passed many olive groves and vineyards. Its no surprise that the temperature appears to ride daily too. its like riding directly at a hand dryer all day blowing warm wind in your face.
A quick stop in the shade to refuel and meet the support team at lunchtime is a welcome ritual now. The logistics of keeping 6 hungry cyclists happy is not easy.
The last few miles of the day rolled gently through an almost deserted but stunningly beautiful gorge where the only other people we saw were the fruit pickers and a man cutting his lawn in his speedos! He was also using a hand scythe to cut it. Jef says he will take the image of that man to his grave it was such a vivid and unexpected one. ;-)
I didn't manage to write as much as I would have liked last night before I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. I am trying to finish this as I shovel in more calories in the form of breakfast. Today's ride profile doesn't appear to have any large climbs (more than 3-4 miles at a time) but it goes up and down all day. It's only 94 miles too...! That's exiting and feels like a holiday to do less than 100. It's been more than a week. The forecast is showing 81 degrees by midday. Ouch so I had best head off so we can get on the road.
Adios Amigos...
Photos won't upload so I have had to remove them but will add them later on another connection.
looks like I missed out on a good day. Hope everyone's well, VAMOS!